Monday, October 27, 2008

The Inheritance Cycle

From the moment I began reading the Inheritance Cycle I loved it. The Inheritance Cycle includes the books Eragon, Eldest and Brisingr so far. When a young man named Eragon discovers a blue stone he brings it home only to learn that it is in fact a dragon egg. He develops a close bond with it, but if anyone learned that he had a dragon his peaceful life would come to an end. And that is exactly what happens. This book had dragons, magic, wonderful characters, secrets, fighting… it in general contained everything I love in a book. I have heard from many people that it is more for younger kids, but, in my opinion, it gets pretty serious and younger kids might not be able to handle it. The only negative thing I noticed was that it was heavily influenced by the Star Wars original trilogy, but then again the author, a man named Christopher Paolini (who I might add was a homeschooler like me), has a much different story. I give this book a 9.5/10 because it borrowed a lot of old plot idea’s, but it is such a wonderfully written and thought out book it will always be one of my favorites. We have the books on CD and most of our family (our dad doesn't like books on tape) likes listening to them.

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